Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Ex-wife is an idiot.

I asked the ex wife (Hagitha) to stop lying to me about...well, everything really.  Long story very short, I caught her in a lie about why she was late to pick up my daughter.  I told her I did not care if she was late, I enjoy spending time with my daughter (Trix).  Somehow this all got morphed into me being an asshole (nach).

Then, she goes into a tirade about how her dating life is none of my business.  I agree...until it puts my daughter in danger.  Back story: I had to go by her shack to drop of something for Trix a few weeks ago.  While there, she answers the door and what I think is a stinky homeless man starts screaming at her.  Nothing out of the ordinary for her neighborhood.  However, she tells me that is the guy she is seeing now.  Awesome.   Her neighbor tells me he comes over all the time and threatens to beat Hagitha. Now, this is when I care.  Not about Hagitha, but about my daughter.  She is letting this assmuch near my daughter. 

I brought my concerns to her, and Hagitha tells me that her happiness is the most important thing.  More important than Trix.  Dumbfounded, my jaw dropped open.  She said only a happy parent can care for their child.  I would say that my happiness is about 1000 on things I care about, with Trix being #1.  This is her problem, why she is constantly in debt.  Why she is always failing at life.  She only does what makes her happy, damn the consequences.  

I married an idiot.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I can't afford therapy (thanks to my ex wife!) so I am going to use this blog to vent.  I have a lot of problems, so enjoy your little view into my world of crazy.

Quick background - I came home one day to find my wife had cleared out the house.  Just about everything was gone.  I am sure I will re-hash all of my problems as this blog progresses, so for the sake of time lets just say this was a calumniation of secrets and lies by her.

Now I find myself alone and depressed 8 months after that day.  Life is a constant struggle, and the only thing that keeps me from putting my 9 mil pistol in my mouth and pulling the trigger is my gorgeous little daughter.  The only thing that makes me smile anymore.

Being a basket case, I also have a lot of other problems.
  • I  am in love with a co worker that is married.  Never done anything about it, nor will I.
  • I cry every night I don't have my daughter, thankfully that is only 20% of the time.
  • I regularly engage in risky behavior on the nights I don't have my daughter.  Sex with strangers or married women (not the co-worker above), excessive drinking, and other behavior that will destroy me.
  •  Crazy women excite me and cause me grief.  Normal is boring.
The simple fact is, I hate my life.  It seems the feeling is mutual.  Lets enjoy watching my life implode together, shall we?